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Verse to DATE the Word on May 10 (5/10) is 1 Peter 5:10

“But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” – 1 Peter 5:10
A central theme to the Apostle Peter’s letter is to address the SUFFERING believers are facing. BTW, CHRISTIANS DO SUFFER – we face trials and persecutions. In 1 Peter 5:10 Peter is essentially praying a prayer for God (the God of all GRACE) to do a mighty life-changing work through the suffering one faces.  Peter prays that God uses suffering to perfect us or to SHAPE us. The word we read is “perfect” but can also be translated complete, restore or mend.  I like the idea of God using our suffering to SHAPE US for SERVICE.  Recall how in 2 Corinthians He comforts us so that we might comfort others. He uses our suffering to shape us for services.  
With this mindset about suffering, we will not be SHAKEN by SUFFERINGS but rather SHAPED by SUFFERING! 

Think of it this way: As we face sufferings (trials) we should be SHAPED, not SHAKEN!

Suffering also brings about a deeper level of SECURITY for us from Christ. With suffering we can become more like Christ as well as know more about Christ and as well as become CLOSER to Christ.  To be “established” has the idea of standing firm or steadfast.  What the believer knows is that through whatever suffering they are facing GOD is with them and has them.  

Peter also prays for God to do a special work in us asking that He STRENGTHEN us (gives us courage) and that He SETTLE us (calm us down).  We need both as we face suffering and pain.

It is highly likely that your spiritual journey has already brought painful moments in which you have found you would have never gotten through them without the LORD.  He gave you the STRENGTH to face the suffering and He gave you the PEACE to be SETTLED and walk confidently through the dark and difficult days.  While it might be hard to explain, you might say He SETTLED your unsettled and fearful soul during the storm.  

What is your suffering testimony? Are you being shaped by suffering or shaken by suffering?  Have you already experienced His tight hold on you during a painful time?  Does your story have in it how God gave you the strength as well as the peace to face a painful moment?  

Verse to DATE the Word on May 10 (5/10) is 1 Peter 5:10. It says, “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect (SHAPE), establish (give SECURITY), strengthen, and settle you.

One of the ways to look at suffering is that God uses our sufferings to shape our service and sharpen and soften our story to share our Savior’s story!  Our trials are turned into testimonies for us to tell of the grace of God.

Continue Strong being SHAPED, not shaken by suffering,
And remember to DATE the Word

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