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Verse to DATE the Word on July 15 (7/15) is 1 Samuel 7:15

“Samuel gave solid leadership to Israel his entire life.” – 1 Samuel 7:15 (The Message)
Providing SOLID Leadership Consistently and Constantly

Two words STAND OUT as we read about the OT prophet Samuel here in 1 Samuel 7:15. I cannot help but notice the words SOLID and ENTIRE.  Do those two words not seem remarkable, awe-inspiring, yes, outstanding? Samuel gave SOLID leadership and solid leadership for his ENTIRE life!!  Unfortunately, they also seem to be two words that are unique as we look at the current landscape of leadership.

Friends, we need SOLID leadership in our families, our churches, our communities, our country, and in our world! Friends, you need to provide SOLID leadership! 

So, what is SOLID leadership?  
I think it is SERVANT leadership.  It is what Jesus taught.  It is not about titles. It is about towels!
I think it is about OWNERSHIP.  Leaders, like Nehemiah, took responsibility (ownership) for their assignments. 
I think you see SOLID leadership when the leaders LOVE their people.  Remember, people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!  Jesus LOVED His disciples!!
I think it is about leading with INTEGRITY!  I love a quote from President Eisenhower in which he said, “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.”
As a reminder: Do not expect your gifts and talents to take you where your character cannot keep you!
I think SOLID leadership happens when the leader is DILIGENT.  Diligence is a man’s precious possession.  (Proverbs 12:27) Being mentored by Dr. Jerry Falwell I learned the value of HARD WORK. 
Leaders SHOW UP and STAY UP.  There is no quit in the SOLID leader!  

Reading the list are you a SOLID leader?   

Standing out also in the evaluation of Samuel is the word ENTIRE.   He started well and he finished well.  That, unfortunately, can’t be said about a lot of people.  I heard that only 30% of the people in the Bible finished well. 

Readers of this devotion, I challenge you to be known for bringing to whatever leadership responsibilities you have SOLID leadership and FINISH WELL!   

BTW – one of the things you should have is a life sentence.  1 Samuel 7:15 is pretty good! Read it again and put your name in place of Samuel and your responsibility in place of Israel.
1 Samuel 7:15 “                           gave solid leadership to                              his/her entire life.”

Verse to DATE on July 15 (7/15) is 1 Samuel 7:15. It says, “Samuel gave solid leadership to Israel his entire life.” (The Message)

Continue Strong as a Solid Leader,
And remember to DATE the Word

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