“Then Ezra read from it (the law) in the open square that was in front of the Water Gate from morning until midday, before the men and women and those who could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive to the Book of the Law.” – Nehemiah 8:3 |
Being ATTENTIVE to the WORD of God
As the WORD of GOD was being read by EZRA we get a description that the people of God were responding with ATTENTIVENESS. What a descriptive statement. The EARS of all the people were ATTENTIVE. The dictionary tells us that if one is ATTENTIVE, one is paying CLOSE attention. To pay close attention is to be paying SERIOUS attention! As the Word of God was proclaimed by the man of God the people of God were actively involved, paying close attention to what was being said so they might learn and then apply it.
Just curious, how are you responding to their response? Did it get your attention?
ATTENTIVE. Is that a word that describes you? Are you attentive to details? Are you attentive to what is going on around you? Are you being attentive to what is being said? Are you an attentive person?
Opposite of attentive could have a person being described as someone not having a clue. They are absentminded. They are easily distracted. They are unfocused.
In going a little deeper with the word “ATTENTIVE” we find it not only in Nehemiah but also once in the New Testament. ATTENTIVE was used to describe a group of people listening to Jesus. In Luke 19:48 we find, “all the people were very attentive to hear Him.” I think it is helpful sometimes to see how other versions may read. For instance, you can find Luke 19:48 in the ESV saying, “all the people were hanging on His words.” Or “all the people were captivated by what they heard.” HCSB. Or “all the people were hanging on to every word He said.” NASB
ATTENTIVE – hanging on every word Jesus is saying! CAPTIVATED!!
When it comes to listening to and learning the Bible are you ATTENTIVE? Are you paying attention as the sermon is being delivered? Are you paying close attention to what is being said? Are you paying serious attention to what God may be saying to you? Are you hanging onto every word? Does God’s Word CAPTIVATE you?
Verse to DATE the Word on August 3 (8/3) is Nehemiah 8:3. It says, “Then he read from it in the open square that was in front of the Water Gate from morning until midday, before the men and women and those who could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive to the Book of the Law.”
May we be known as ATTENTIVE people toward God and God’s Word!
Continue Strong being attentive to the Word,
And remember to DATE the Word