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Verse to DATE the Word on August 25 (8/25) is Luke 8:25

“But He said to them, (in astonishment) “Where is your faith?” And they were 
afraid, and marveled, saying to one another (in amazement), “Who can this be?
For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him!” – Luke 8:25
A Storm Becomes A School Room

The sudden storm on the sea during a boat ride brought about astonishment and amazement that was felt by both Jesus and His disciples. Jesus was astonished at how afraid the disciples were and the disciples were amazed at how awesome Jesus was! 

We need to know that STORMS are like Schoolrooms for God to show us just how powerful, and AWESOME He is. The disciples’ class started with them AFRAID of a STORM and they finished class AMAZED at the SAVIOR!

Maybe we should say that again as you may need to read that again. 
The disciples’ class started with them AFRAID of the STORM and finished AMAZED at the SAVIOR!  

A storm will reveal how insecure we really are. The disciples (many of them skilled fishermen) are scared to death as this sudden storm hits.  “MASTER! MASTER! WE ARE PERISHING is what they SCREAMED in Luke 8:24.”  Their screaming wakes Jesus up (He must have been SOUND asleep for one would think the storm would have awakened Him) and what happens next is just absolutely amazing.  Picture it! JESUS turns to the storm and REBUKES the storm.  The word REBUKE has the idea of demanding one honor the authority.  And quicker than the storm had suddenly come up the storm CEASED and all was CALM. 

With the outside storm dealt with Jesus deals with another storm for there is now the storm on the inside of His disciples.  The master discipler will turn this storm into a schoolroom. His disciples are going to learn something.  To help them LEARN He asked a penetrating question “WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?:  

Now they are afraid again for the question revealed LOTS of FEAR and LITTLE FAITH!  

With Jesus ASTONISHED at their lack of faith, the disciples will now take inventory of the events and they find themselves asking among themselves in AMAZEMENT “Who can this be?”  This storm has brought about a new understanding of just WHO JESUS IS and just how POWERFUL Jesus is.  It would be a lesson that would help them later as they faced other storms.   

Are you in a storm?  Are you in a vicious, raging, fierce, and ferocious storm?  What is this storm revealing about you?  Is it showing you have LOTS of FEARS and LITTLE FAITH?  What is it showing to you about Jesus?   

In your school room of a storm may you find yourself LEARNING more ABOUT Jesus and becoming more AMAZED at Jesus. May your storm move your story from LOTS of FEARS and little faith to LOTS OF FAITH and little fear!  

Verse to DATE the Word on August 25 (8/25) is Luke 8:25. It says, “But He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they were afraid, and marveled, saying to one another, “Who can this be? For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him!” 

A quick note – Please remember that your storms become stories that become opportunities to share the Savior!

Continue AMAZED at Jesus!  
And remember to DATE THE WORD!
NOTE – Date the Word is offering a trip to Israel this January, January 15-24, 2024 and you can experience a boat ride on the sea of Galilee (can’t guarantee a storm) where this story will be taught.  check out our flyer at for more information.

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