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Verse to DATE the Word on September 8 (9/8) is Ecclesiastes 9:8

Let your garments always be white, and
let your head lack no oil.” – Ecclesiastes 9:8
Carpe diem – SEIZE the day!!! 

Ecclesiastes 9:8 is a very interesting verse with intriguing instructions.  It encourages us to dress daily as if one is going to a wedding celebration.  A wedding celebration is a most exciting and wonderful time.  It is filled with much joy and hope.  From the bride and the groom to the youngest child everyone dresses up and looks their best!  Solomon, in Ecclesiastes 9:8 comes along and gives us the challenge to approach each day this way as we should see each day being the very best day of our lives

Listen, yesterday is in the tomb and is gone forever.  Tomorrow is in the womb and is not promised.  Today – TODAY i- is the present – a gift!! Thus, we want to fully embrace this present – this gift – this new day.   We will want to be fully engaged in it – and yes, fully enjoy it!!! 

Carpe diem – SEIZE the day!!! 

Verse to DATE the Word on September 8 (9/8) is Ecclesiastes 9:8. It says, “Let your garments always be white, and let your head lack no oil.”

Today is the best day of the rest of your life!

Continue Strong enjoying every moment!   
And remember to DATE the Word!

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