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Verse to DATE the Word on October 7 (10/7) is Proverbs 10:7

“The memory of the righteous is blessed, but the
name of the wicked will rot.” – Proverbs 10:7
Live so the memory of your name brings a smile.

Some people live in such a way that they leave precious memories while there are others who have memories that quickly wilt away. Just one quick, short thought of a person, present or past, can quickly bring a smile to your face.  Just one quick, short thought of a person, present or past, can quickly bring a frown to your face.
How that person chooses to live or has in the past decided to live impacts your feelings toward them, even years after they are no longer on this earth.  

We remember how people made us feel.  

We remember how people treated us.  

We remember the imprints of wisdom they left us and the words of encouragement that gave us.  

We remember the stripes left by foolish acts and yes, mean acts, and the words of discouragement.  Yes, we do recall both good and bad.  Over time the precious memories gain strength with a smile while we seek to quickly dismiss the bad.  

While we have our memories, we also need to know it is a two-way street.  We have the ability with our actions to create PRECIOUS MEMORIES that for generations those memories may bring smiles to people’s faces.  Yet we can take actions of cruelty toward someone that one may even wince at hearing our name spoken.  

As you ponder Proverbs 10:7 know that HOW YOU LIVE MATTERS!  

My challenge is that you do something memorable today for family or friends, or even a complete stranger that years from now brings a smile to their face.   Consider your words and works with others to not bring sadness but joy to their heart years from now.  Let the remembrance of your name be a blessing, not a burden. 

Verse to DATE the Word on October 7 (10/7) is Proverbs 10:7. It says, “The memory of the righteous is blessed, But the name of the wicked will rot.”

Let the remembrance of your name be a blessing, not a burden. 

Continue Strong doing what is right in God’s sight and be a generational blessing!
And remember to DATE the WORD!

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