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Verse to DATE the Word on December 1 (12/1) is Romans 12:1

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that you present your bodies a living sacrificeholy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service.” – Romans 12:1

Romans is the first book that is called the Epistles of Paul.  Following the 4 Gospels that tell of the life and times of Jesus Christ, we have the book of Acts which tells the birth of the Church. This new church with new believers needs to know WHAT THEY BELIEVE and HOW TO BEHAVE.  The book of Romans is known primarily as a DOCTRINAL book that tells what we believe, especially about our great salvation.  However, it also gives a significant amount of teaching on how to behave as a believer. The transitional verse for moving from the great doctrines to practical living is Romans 12:1.  The word that sets the transition up is “THEREFORE.”  I was taught, and maybe you were as well, that when you read the word “therefore” you ask what is before the therefore?”  

As a quick reminder, what is before the “therefore” of Romans 12:1 is the teaching that the just lives by faith. (Romans 1:17).  One then learns of CONDEMNATION and of JUSTIFICATION and of SANCTIFICATION.   

With a quick review of what has happened to us as believers the Apostle Paul APPEALS to us to now live ACCEPTABLE lives to God.  To live acceptably to God is first to make a PRESENTATION of oneself as a living sacrifice.   A sacrifice in the Old Testament was something that was dedicated to the Lord.  The believer is now presenting themselves as a dedicated vessel to the Lord. A believer GIVES themselves totally to the Lord.  This dedication of oneself impacts our behavior as the believer is going to live a holy life.  Whereas the unbeliever lived in and for sin, the believer is now living for holiness and righteousness.   The presentation brings about a huge transformation.   From sinful living, the believer is now living a sanctified holy life.  

How have you responded to the appeal of Romans 12:1?  Have you PRESENTED yourself to God as a vessel, a dedicated vessel to live a holy life, to live for Him?  

On a personal note I wrote a mission statement for my life from Romans 12:1 that goes, “Lord, I want to be a clean, holy, vessel in Your hand to be used to impact the world for Your glory.” 

Maybe today you need to interact with Romans 12:1 and write out a personal commitment to the Lord.  Based on all that God has done for you, showing you His mercies, respond to the appeal to make a PRESENTATION of yourself to the Lord!

The verse to DATE the Word on December 1 (12/1) is Romans 12:1. It says, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrificeholyacceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”

A great present for the Lord is to present yourself as a present to the Lord.

Continue Strong as HIS HOLY VESSEL for His USE,
And remember to DATE THE WORD

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