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In Christ Jesus Means We Are In 

Ephesians 2:13 “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”

Have you ever been on the “outside” and made to feel that you could never be a part of the in-group?  From family, friends, work, social gatherings, even at a church you were an outsider.  For you, the doors were always closed.  The signs of no access were posted loud and clear.  You were not going in.  

As the Apostle Paul writes to the Ephesians who are very much outsiders to things of God as they were mainly Gentiles. As he writes, he wants them to know what they have by being a Christian. In Ephesians 2 he compares several times their past life with their present life. Verse 13 starts with but now to convey what they have presently as compared to what they did not have in the past. And what they have, and we have is they are, and we are in Christ!

By being in Christ, we have some of the most incredible benefits, such as having been far off – or as some may say, far out – or far away from God, we have been brought near to God.  Being brought near to God happens because of what Jesus did in shedding His blood for us.  As sinners, we could not even think about approaching a holy God, but now, because we have accepted Christ and have been saved, justified, redeemed, reconciled, and adopted, we can approach the throne of grace boldly!  There is no more sign of no access!  

Being in Christ means we are in, no longer out! What a Savior!

To every outsider, Christ invites you to come in!

Continue Strong knowing what you have in Christ,
And remember to DATE the Word

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