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God’s Marriage Math Is One Plus One Equals One! 

Genesis 2:24  “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

The institution of the family has existed from the very beginning of time. Within the story of creation, God gives HIs instructions for the institution of the family.. Before there was any government and before the church, we had the family. Our verse, Genesis 2:24 makes clear what God’s design is for the family as it will give you the key people of a family. There are two genders and only two. There is a man and a woman. When the man marries the woman, the man will gain the title of being a husband, and the woman will be a wife. As husband and wife, they may have a child and maybe even children, so now the man is not just a husband but a father, and the woman is not just a wife but a mother. If the child is a male, he will have the title of son, and if the child is a female, she will have the title of daughter. If they have more than one child and it is a male, the males have the title of brother, and if it is a female, the females have the title of sister. 

Going back to Genesis 2:24, God tells the man who is marrying a woman to leave his father and mother and be joined to someone else’s daughter, and he will be her husband and she will be his wife.  The instructions are clear that they are to leave. They are to leave so they can be joined together or cleave.  Marriage is about leaving and cleaving. 

Many Biblical scholars will say from this component of leaving and cleaving marriage is the preeminent relationship! This also is to be a permanent relationship as the husband and wife are to be one flesh. 

As we consider these instructions we conclude (not unique to me) that God’s math is one plus one equals one. I consider Genesis 2:24 (repeated by Jesus in Matthew 19:5-6; Mark 10:6-9 and Paul in Ephesians 5:31) and Ephesians 5:33 to be the most important teaching for marriage. Genesis 2:24 teaches leave and cleave while Ephesians 5:33 teaches the husband to pay attention to his wife and the wife to give admiration to her husband. Following God’s instructions for marriage will bring about an enjoyable and enduring marriage!

Continue Strong learning and living out your role and responsibilities in your family,
And remember to DATE The Word

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