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Epaphroditus: A True Hero of the Faith

Philippians 2:29 “Receive him (Epaphroditus) therefore in the Lord with all gladness, and hold such men in esteem;

The context for the verse we have before us is the Apostle Paul has sent Epaphroditus back to Philippi. The Philippians had sent Epaphroditus to Rome with a love offering for the beloved apostle Paul.  With Paul in jail, the Philippians were looking for Epaphroditus to not only deliver the package but they were expecting him to be a personal blessing to Paul.  Epaphroditus, however, got sick and was not able to continue. Paul knew that with him returning earlier than expected there was a very real possibility he could be viewed to have failed at his mission.  So Paul writes a glowing report of how Epaphroditus ministered to him. He then concludes with this admonition that Epaphroditus is to be received back with gladness as well as to be regarded with honor – with esteem.

Why would Paul want Epaphroditus to be held with such high regard?  In a previous verse, Paul wrote that as Epaphroditus was serving him he was risking his life to do ministry.  The term Paul used speaks of one who is gambling.  Epaphroditus was gambling with his life to carry out his assignment of ministering to the needs of Paul.  For Paul, Epaphroditus is an example of someone doing all one can do for the Lord.  For Paul, a man who does that is to be regarded with the highest of reverence.  

Question – who do you hold in the highest esteem? Who do you have as heroes? Philippians 2:25-29 tells the story – the ministry – of Epaphroditus. His actions should guide us on who we hold in honor!!! The highest honor goes to those who sacrifice – who go the extra mile!

Continue Strong by having role models like Epaphroditus in your life
And Remember to DATE The Word

Tomorrow begins March and this year March 31 is Easter so we have put together what we are calling A March to Remember.  We have put together a Bible Reading plan that has a verse for each day and two chapters for reading.  You can join the Bible Reading plan by downloading the Date the Word App and clicking on A March to Remember.   

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