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Some Most Valuable Actions Designed To Bring About Improvement

Ecclesiastes 3:6 “A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away;”

To get the very most out of our lives, our life has to be evaluated from time to time. There will need to be times when we add to our lives; this addition could be more education or a purchase of a needed item.  There is a time to gain, to add. There is a time as well to lose, to subtract from our lives. Bad habits need to go. It could be, for example, we need to lose the attitude. 

Then there are things we need to make sure we keep or hold on to. There are lessons we learned early about God and life that we should hold onto tightly. There are golden memories that we should hold onto tightly. And while there are things to keep, there is a time to throw away. Sometimes we have to have a heart cleansing like spring cleaning. We need to throw out discouragement and guilt; resentment and bitterness.

So what time is it for you? Is it time to gain – grow – learn – add to your faith? Is it time to lose – to let go of something that doesn’t belong in your life? Is it time to keep – hold tight to something very meaningful? Is it time to throw away something?

Life has moments where we must examine what we need to get – what we need to get rid of – what we need to have and what we need to be gone!

A March to Remember

For March 6, let us consider Romans 5:6. Romans 5:6 says, “For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”

As we recall what Jesus did for us at easter romans 5:6 reminds us that He died – don’t rush here – let that word settle – He died and He died for the ungodly, dying for those who could never do anything for themselves to be saved. And if you are wondering who the ungodly is the answer is you and the answer is me and the answer is every person who has lived, is living, and will live.  I trust you are finding yourself saying thank you lord for dying for me!

On March 6 we encourage you to read Matthew 6 to recall our Lord’s teaching.  You can find the Bible reading plan on the Date the Word app.

Continue Strong this March Remembering our Savior,
And remember to DATE the Word

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