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Acquire Wisdom

Proverbs 3:21 “My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, keep sound wisdom and discretion;”

Proverbs appeals to the reader to acquire wisdom. The appeal in verse 21 is to not let it out of your sight. Deuteronomy 6 teaches us to have the Word of God in our hearts and in plain view for our eyes to see. (Dt. 6:6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. Verse 8 says, “You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 “You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.) 

While Proverbs is also big on appealing to acquire it also stresses applying the wisdom that has been acquired. In verse 21 the word keep, or observe, has the idea of obeying!

What is to be applied?  Sound wisdom and discretion are to be applied.  

Sound wisdom brings to your life clear thinking as wisdom allows one to see life from God’s perspective.

Discretion is compared to having common sense and we need some common sense!! Discretion is the ability to choose what is correct.  It has the idea of tasting as a great chef would taste the food in order to know what needs to be added to make it taste great. With life being full of decisions and decisions determining destinations it is crucial to have wisdom as it shows you the right way. Discernment then keeps one on the right road as there will be options!! 

Are you acquiring wisdom and putting it in your heart and before your sight? 

Are you applying wisdom?  Are you a discerning person?

Ponder – how has wisdom helped you lately?

A March to Remember

For March 21, let us remember 2 Corinthians 5:21. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Our verse tells of the greatest of exchanges as Christ takes your sins and gives to you His righteousness.  The one who did not sin – was perfect – completely righteous – becomes what we are as God lays on Him our sins, and then when we who are sinful and unrighteous accept Him He gives us His righteous and now we are as righteous as Christ and can stand before the Father.   What a Savior

On March 21 we encourage you to read Matthew 21 to recall our Lord’s triumphal entry  
You can find the Bible reading plan on the Date the Word app.

Continue Strong this March Remembering our Savior,
And remember to DATE the Word

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