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It Is To Be All About Him!

John 3:30 “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

Our verse comes from the lips of John the Baptist.  John the Baptist is the forerunner to Jesus.  John the Baptist was the voice in the wilderness and was assigned the task of preparing God’s people for the soon coming of the Messiah and then announcing the arrival of the Messiah.  In preparing people for the coming of the Messiah John himself began to have a following as well as having disciples.  Yet John never forgot what His purpose was, and when his disciples started wondering about who Jesus was and what Jesus was doing (and why Jesus was becoming more popular), John made it clear that he was not the bridegroom but rather the friend of the bridegroom.      

For John the Baptist, it was making it more about Jesus and less about himself!  What an example for us to follow.

Let us make much of Jesus while being less of ourselves.

A March to Remember

For March 30, let us remember John 19:30.  John 19:30 says, “So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, It is finished! And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.”

As we ponder the Easter story Jesus has died and has been buried.  While it appears all hope is gone we have one of His last words where He says IT IS FINISHED.  Friends, He did not say I AM FINISHED. He said, “It is Finished.”  What was necessary to satisfy the wrath of God is finished – the payment for our sins has been finished.   With this part finished there is more to come as He will finish off death and hell and the grave and the devil.  He is not finished but what He needed to do for us is Finished.  What a Savior.

On March 30 we do not have a chapter to read.  Ponder quietly on what is called Silent Saturday and what Jesus has done for you in dying on the cross.  

Continue Strong this March Remembering our Savior,
And remember to DATE the Word

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