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The Getting Of Wisdom Must Be At The Top Of The Priority List

Proverbs 4:7 “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.”

One of the amazing things about the Book of Proverbs is how often it will make appeals to the reader to acquire wisdom. Wisdom knows its value and the advantages it gives to a person for living life.  Wisdom is not afraid to advocate for itself and proclaim that it is the principal thing you need.  

You might ask why is wisdom so needed for life. I think a consideration of  Proverbs 14:12  that is repeated in 16:25 tells us why as it states, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.”  “There is a way” means there is thinking that a man has that leads only to destruction and death.   Wisdom, on the other hand, is described as heavenly insights from God for a person to live life on earth. 

The question comes to each of us do we want human thinking for living life or God’s thinking for living life?  With so much to handle that ranges from relationships to finances to work to health, etc. who will we turn to understand what are the right decisions? 

I was taught to make better decisions we need the best information!  Wisdom is telling us that she is the information because wisdom comes from the One who created us!

You need wisdom.  You need heavenly insights for earthly living. Have you made acquiring wisdom a priority?  Are you reading daily from God’s Word?  Are you reading daily from Proverbs, God’s treasure chest of wisdom, a priority?

Answer the appeal and acquire wisdom and then apply the wisdom to enjoy the advantages that wisdom offers. 

Continue Strong Getting Wisdom. Acquire and apply wisdom for an abundant life!
And remember to DATE The Word

Bonus: In the 4th month of the year, April, we are extending what we are calling a 4 x 4 challenge and encouraging you to read a chapter 4. For April 7 we challenge you to read Proverbs 4.

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