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Believing the Promiser

Romans 4:20 “He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God,”

As the Apostle Paul is teaching the Romans about the faith of Abraham, he tells them how Abraham responded when he was told by God that he and his wife Sarah, even though passed the age of childbearing, were going to have a son and that they would be naming him Isaac. Upon hearing this Abraham believed the unbelievable was going to happen because he believed the promiser of the Promise! 

If you are like me, you need a moment to process what you just read. Read it again. Abraham believed the unbelievable was going to happen because he believed the promiser of the Promise!  

As the Apostle Paul recounts this great story of Abraham’s faith he says that Abraham “did not waver.”  This means that he did not hesitate to believe.  It means he did not have a divided mind.  No dispute arose in his head that sought to deny what God had said. While he will ask how this could be he is not questioning God’s ability to perform what He had promised.  Abraham knew that his God was a promise-keeping God who could not lie!  

The apostle adds that in analyzing this moment in the life of Abraham, Abraham’s faith grew in strength.   Hearing what humanly seemed so unbelievable Abraham does not stagger in faith but becomes stronger in faith.  

Paul writes that in displaying the belief in God’s promise He brought glory to God. God is so glorified when we believe Him and trust Him.  He is pleased when we take steps of faith!  (Recall Hebrews 11)

How are you doing in believing God in the present moment?  As God is guiding you are you believing He will be providing for you?  Do you stagger at His promises, or do you stand firmly on His promises knowing – knowing – that He keeps His promises? 

May I remind you that a promise is only as good as the one making the promise?  Abraham’s faith was in God as God was the One making the promise.  If you are experiencing some weakness in your faith I appeal to you to get into His Word and learn more about the promiser!  Remember that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!  

Abraham believed the unbelievable was going to happen because he believed the promiser of the Promise!  

Continue Strong standing firm on the Promises of God
And remember to DATE the Word

Bonus: In the 4th month of the year, April, we are extending a 4 x 4 challenge and encouraging you to read a chapter 4 each day of April.  For April 20 we challenge you to read Romans 4.

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