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A Special Announcement About March316

Would you share John 3:16 on 3/16? 

I would like to present an idea to you regarding March 16th, 2025. As I looked ahead to the calendar year of 2025, I noticed several things. First, Easter for 2025 is April 20th, which is a very late date. Then, looking back to February, there is Valentine’s Day on Friday, February 14th. Then I looked at March. I saw that March 16th (3/16) is on a Sunday, and it immediately got my attention.  Without question, anytime I see or hear 3/16, I think of John 3:16.  I felt a very strong urging of the Holy Spirit to write out the question, “What would happen if every pastor, preacher, teacher, evangelist, etc. preached their very best John 3:16 message on March 16th (3/16), 2025?” This question led to action, and we launched “March316” as a movement to see this happen. 

What would happen if, on March 16th (3/16), we were intentionally sharing God’s greatest message to all mankind? What if the March316 movement was used by God? 

So I put the question to you. What could happen if every pastor in the world would, on Sunday, March 16th (3/16), preach John 3:16 and let the world hear God’s greatest message to mankind?  The message of “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

I ask that you pray with me that this idea of every pastor in the world preaching John 3:16 on March 16th (3/16), 2025, would have favor. Many have already heard about this idea, with some hearing it from other sources, not just Date the Word, and are now making plans to preach John 3:16.  

Secondly, would you share this idea with your pastor as well as others who can also share it? Our website,, has information for pastors and preachers on our vision for March316.

Thirdly, If you are a pastor, would you, today, look at your preaching calendar and consider preaching John 3:16 on March 16th (3/16)?

Our website,, gives the appeal and is being developed to share ideas and resources for March 16th. If you decide to participate, you can sign up for more information.

We would love to see this become a movement of mass evangelism. I, personally, would love to see March 16th (3/16) become an international day of evangelism where every believer is encouraged to share John 3:16 with at least one unbeliever on March 16th every year. 

March 16th, (3/16) 2025, is exactly six months away. With some thoughtful planning, it could be one of the greatest days of evangelism in church history.  

If you would like more information, feel free to contact me at the return email or contact the March316 Executive Director, Klayton Carson, at [email protected].

Continue Strong, getting the gospel to the world,

Dwayne Carson
DATE The Word, founder, and director

Klayton A. Carson
March316, Executive Director

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