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Jesus Came And He Is Coming Again 

Hebrews 9:28 “So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him, He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.”

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, came from heaven to earth once to die. Yes, He was born to die.  That death was not because of anything He did but rather He died for all people, dying for us, dying in our place, and in doing so paid the price for our sins.   He took or as the verse says bore our sins and there is nothing we can do to be saved except accept Him.  As the hymn states Jesus paid it all.  There is also nothing more He needs to do. His offering was once and for all.

Now while Hebrews 9:28 tells us about His first coming, it also tells us about His second coming.  The second coming will however be very different than the first. In His first coming He was the Man of sorrows who made atonement for sin. His second appearance will be as the Lord of His people and will be the Judge of the quick and the dead.  

With the fact that Jesus is returning, we should consider how we should live.  I heard Billy Graham say once that he started each day with perhaps today! That is a good approach to each day.  Perhaps this very day Jesus will call His bride, the church, home.  

With the thought that Jesus could come this very day, how might that impact your walk with Jesus, your work for Jesus, your worship of Jesus, and your witness to others about Jesus be different?  What actions need to take place today in light of the fact he may come today?

As you re-read Hebrews 9:28 I trust that within your heart swells with gratitude for our wonderful Savior who paid in full our sin debt and there is within your heart a sense of anticipation for perhaps this very day He will return! 

Continue Strong with Anticipation Of Our Savior’s Return
And remember to DATE the Word

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