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The Spiritual Secret

Mark 9:29 “So He said to them, ‘This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.’”

Mark 9:29 is an answer by Jesus to His disciples’ question in verse 28 as they could not understand why they could not help a man who had brought his demon-possessed son to them, yet Jesus had helped him. The background is that a desperate father brought his demon-possessed son to the disciples but they could not cast out the demon.  In Mark 9:18 the father of the son spoke to Jesus and informed Him that he had spoken to His disciples requesting they should cast the demon out, but they could not. Jesus steps in and casts out the demon. 

Now after Jesus does cast out the demon the disciples ask why could not and Jesus reveals the secret.  He teaches them that “this kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”  Prayer and fasting gave Him spiritual strength to handle spiritual warfare.  

Because spiritual warfare is real we must be prepared for battle, listen, every day! Our adversary is described as a roaring lion on the loose seeking to devour us.  We must be alert and prepared for battle all the time. Spending time in prayer and having times of fasting allows God to use one in incredible ways! Prayer and fasting both indicate to God your dependence on Him!

It is not about you being able to do the spiritually impossible but by prayer and fasting it becomes about Him working through you to do the spiritually impossible! As Dr. Jerry Falwell said many times nothing of eternal significance every happens apart from prayer!!! 

Now that you know the secret ingredients to spiritual success what will you do with the secret ingredients?

Aren’t you glad Jesus didn’t keep secret the secret of doing ministry?  

Continue Strong Relying On Him!  
And remember to DATE The Word!

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