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God’s Marriage Instructions 

Mark 10:7 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,”

Jesus is speaking here, and He restates about marriage and family what is written in Genesis 2:24 where we first learn of God’s instructions for the family. As a reminder, Genesis 2:24 says, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

In this verse, we find the various people and roles from a man being a husband and a father and a woman being a wife and a mother. When I conduct a wedding I will say to the groom that today he is getting a new title, that of being a husband, and then to the bride I will say today you are getting a new title, that of being a wife.

With the verse, we also see the instructions for marriage calling for leaving and then cleaving (the idea of joining). The man and the woman leave their families to establish a new home – a new family unit. 

Many martial problems will be solved with the application of this verse. Parents are to let go of their child. The new couple are to immediately start cleaving to each other, so close that they are indeed one. God’s marriage math is one plus one equals one.  And no one nor anything is to come between the husband and the wife. In God’s sight the marriage relationship of a husband and a wife is preeminent over all other relationship. Thus the marriage for the husband and wife is to be top priority. For it to work it will start with leaving, leaving mother and father and cleaving to each other!! 

Challenging thought:  When a wedding begins there are two families.  There is the bride’s family and the groom’s family.  When the wedding is over there are three families.  There still is the bride’s family and there still is the groom’s family and there now is the new family made up of the bride and the groom who have been pronounced as husband and wife.  The bride did not join the groom’s family, and the groom did not join the bride’s family.  The bride and groom left their induvial families to start a new family.  

Continue Strong following God’s instructions for marriage,
And remember to DATE The Word!

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