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Verse to DATE the Word on January 12 (1/12) is Philippians 1:12

Our verse to DATE the Word on January 12 (1/12) is Philippians 1:12.
Philippians 1:12 says, “But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel,
Seeing Difficult Interruptions as Divine Appointments 

The question of WHY do bad things happen to good people is a question that has been asked for centuries. The Philippian church members wanted to know WHY a good man like the Apostle Paul who was faithfully serving the Lord would find himself arrested and in a Roman jail. Knowing his friends at Philippi were concerned about him and that his present situation or circumstances did not seem to have a purpose, Paul addresses their concerns in Philippians 1:12.   

Looking again at our verse Paul says that the THINGS that have happened, the difficult, rough unsettling, unpleasant, hard things that have happened to him, happened so that there would be the opportunity to share Christ.  He saw his present situation OPENING CLOSED DOORS for an opportunity to SHARE THE GOSPEL.  Being in chains offered him the opportunity to proclaim the claims of Christ!  Roman soldiers of the highest order got saved. In Philippians 1:13 he writes that it has become evident to the whole palace guard and to all the rest, that his chains are in Christ. As well, he would end his letter by sending greetings from members of Caesar’s household.
Philippians 4:22 says, “All the saints greet you, but especially those who are of Caesar’s household.”  


Now for an answer to the question, WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE Paul tells us that the bad, horrible circumstances just might be happening for the FURTHERANCE of the GOSPEL.   The idea of “furtherance” is CLEARING or OPENING UP A PATH.  

We need to see our CIRCUMSTANCES as a way God CLEARS a path to COMMUNICATE CHRIST!

Are you staying alert with your TRIALS that they may be divine appointments to share your TESTIMONY? Are you staying alert with what might be unfavorable circumstances in that you are being placed by God at that moment to have a conversation about Christ? Are you staying alert to see your various situations as opportunities to share the gospel? 

I am praying you will have a Philippians 1:12 testimony where the things (PLURAL) which happen to you (the good, the bad, the awful things) will turn out for the furtherance of the gospel!  So be watching and be alert to God clearing paths for you to communicate the gospel.  

New contacts through new circumstances can become new converts!

Verse to DATE the Word on January 12 (1/12) is Philippians 1:12. It says, “But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel,”

Turn trials into a testimony and your rough circumstances will become rejoicing celebrations!

Continue Strong alert to divine appointments for sharing the gospel,
And remember to DATE THE WORD

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