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A Most Wanted List For Souls

Romans 10:1 “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.” 

One cannot help but feel the passion the Apostle Paul has here in Romans 10:1 for the people of Israel to be saved.  Saying he wants to see people saved is not a cliche for Paul.  His heart longs for the lost to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. This desire has action with the first action being he prays for the lost to be saved.  

When I look at Romans 10:1 and see how Paul wanted to see Israel to be saved it makes me think of creating a most wanted list of people that need to hear the gospel.  Most likely have heard of a most wanted list.  It is a term used by the FBI to catch the most dangerous criminals.  We should have a most wanted list for those who are lost and need Jesus. 

Who is on your most wanted list? Who are the lost people that you want to be found? Who is spiritually blind, but you want them to see? Who is spiritually dead that you want to be spiritually alive?  Who is the family member, friend, co-worker, team member, and/or neighbor, that you desire to see saved?

Acting on today’s devotion I would like you to pause and create your most wanted list.  Write or type out Romans 10:1 on a sheet of paper and put a blank where the word Israel is and then write in the blank who you would so love to see saved.   Ex. Romans 10:1 says, “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for _____________ is that they may be saved.” 

Now for the very serious questions:  Does your heart break for lost souls to be saved?
Are you praying for the lost to be saved?  Are you witnessing?

Proverbs 11:30 also says, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise.

Continue Strong with a broken heart for souls to be saved!
And remember to DATE the Word!

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