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A Worthy Walk Is No Longer A Worldly Walk

Ephesians 4:17  “This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind,”

From the start of the practical section of the Book of Ephesians the Apostle Paul calls on the believer to walk worthy of the calling with which they were called. (Eph. 4:1) To walk worthy means there must be a change in how one walks/lives as the past walk was a life of sin. If someone knows Christ there is an expectation of a story of change.  If there is no change, then I am not sure how one can say they know Christ.  A believer goes from living a sinful life to a sanctified life.  The believer goes from doing things that displease God to doing the things that please Him!

To convey how one will live differently Paul writes the believer no longer walks (a word for living) as the Gentiles walk.  The idea of “the Gentiles” is those who do not know God and have a worldly, self-centered, selfish mindset as opposed to one who knows God and has a God-centered, heavenly mindset.  

You may recall that Jesus told His disciples they were not to be like the Gentiles as they have a different value system.  The Gentiles lord over people and use their authority for their own benefit. (Matt. 20:25)  The Gentiles do not live a life of faith but are constantly concerned about present needs.  (Matt. 6:32)

As you consider your present walk with Christ what is your story of how you have changed?  How has becoming a Christian changed you?  How different is the present walk (life) from your past walk (life)?  

As the verse wraps up the Apostle writes for the believer to no longer live like the Gentiles in the futility of their mind.  How is your thinking different now that you are a Christian? 

Maybe a couple of verses will help you answer the question.   The mind of a believer is having a mind that is set on the things above.  Colossians 3:1 says, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.”

When we have our minds set on things above, we are looking for what God wants for us.  We have an eternal mindset as opposed to a temporal mindset.

Philippians 2:5 calls for us to “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Having a Christ-like mindset is to have a servant mindset.  It puts others above yourself.   Christ’s mindset was to do for others what they could never do for themselves.  

As believers, we think and live differently than how we lived when we were lost.
What are you no longer doing?

Continue Strong Living A Different Life!
And remember to DATE the Word

Bonus: In the 4th month of the year, April, we are extending a 4 x 4 challenge and encouraging you to read a chapter 4 each day of April.  For April 17 we challenge you to read Ephesians 4.

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