Ephesians 2:18 “For through Him (Jesus Christ) we both (Jew and Gentile) have access by one Spirit to the Father.”
CLOSED. CLOSED. Think about the meaning of that word, CLOSED. Think of a time you SAW that word and what your immediate feelings were. Like a time you just pulled off the Interstate to go to the bathroom and the sign on the bathroom door read CLOSED. UGH! CLOSED! How does that word hit you? What does it say to you? BLOCKED – UNAVAILABLE – NO ACCESS – INACCESSIBLE!
INACCESSIBLE. Let that word sink in. INACCESSIBLE That is a powerful word to describe our ability to enter heaven. To the lost person, it is CLOSED. HEAVEN is INACCESSIBLE. Let that thought sink in.
HEAVEN is INACCESSIBLE except FOR —- EXCEPT for – – Jesus Christ made it ACCESSIBLE!!! Jesus Christ OPENED (what a beautiful word) the door of heaven and gave to those who ACCEPT Him ACCESS – I repeat – ALL ACCESS to the Father!!
For a believer – one who has repented and received Christ as Savior – one who is born again – one who has called on the Lord and is saved now no longer faces the CLOSED sign of heaven’s door. Heaven is no longer INACCESSIBLE!! The believer has ACCESS!!!
The believer has so much ACCESS to the Father as the believer gets to “Come boldly to the throne of grace, that they may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)
What a SAVIOR!! What a SALVATION!!
By the way – if you have not received Christ the opportunity is still open! Christ offers an INVITATION. Revelation 22:17 says, “And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”
Do you have your ALL-ACCESS pass for Heaven?
Continue Strong knowing what you have in Jesus!
And remember to DATE The Word