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An Exemplary Example

Job 1:1 “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil.”

As we launch into a new year, we find an exemplary example in Job of how one should live. Notice the characteristics of his character:
He was blameless.
He was upright.
He feared God.
He shunned evil.  

Blameless speaks of the actions he takes in his personal life.  He was not perfect, but he did strive to live above reproach.  Like Daniel, you would not be able to find dirt on him.  Being blameless meant he did what was right even if no one was looking.  

Deuteronomy 18:13 says, “You shall be blameless before the LORD your God.”

Being upright meant he was honest with others.  He did not cheat or lie to others. Being upright meant he was not looking to take advantage of another person.  He was trustworthy.  
A deeper study of the upright will find especially in Proverbs that the upright experiences many blessings and brings others many blessings. 

In fearing God, he understood that there was God, and he was not.  In fearing God he acknowledged God with holy reverence and respect.  In fearing God Job acknowledged God’s authority in his life. In fearing God Job was in a right relationship with God. 

In shunning evil Job first knew what was right and what was wrong and then he took steps to avoid temptations.  To shun is to stay away.   Based on teaching from another wisdom book, Proverbs, Job’s actions to stay away from evil would have been fueled by his fear for the Lord.

Job was blameless. He was upright. He feared God. He shunned evil.  

Let us begin 2025 committed to living like Job, living blameless, upright, fearing God, and shunning evil!

Continue Strong with Job-like character, 
And Remember to Date the Word  

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