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Ask For Wisdom

2 Chronicles 1:10 “Now give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people; for who can judge this great people of Yours?”

As Solomon becomes King he has a dream in which God tells him that he can ask for anything.  (2 Chronicles 1:7 On that night God appeared to Solomon, and said to him, “Ask! What shall I give you?” WOW!! God tells Solomon to ask Him for ANYTHING.  Think about that.  What would you ask?  

I don’t know how long Solomon thought about what to ask but what he did ask is found in our verse.  He asked God for “wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people; for who can judge this great people of Yours?” 

Solomon was not wise enough to do what he was supposed to do but was wise enough to recognize that he was not wise enough and he was wise enough to ask for wisdom.  

Are you feeling overwhelmed with life’s responsibilities?  Maybe you are overwhelmed with your family responsibilities.  You are finding you just don’t know how to be a husband or a father, a wife or a mother.  Maybe it is with a job responsibility.  Maybe it is with a leadership role at church.  Whatever you are facing that is bringing forth feelings of insecurity and fear I encourage you to follow the example of Solomon and ask God for wisdom.  Humbly acknowledge your weakness and ASK for WISDOM.

If you are wondering if the invitation Solomon received is extended to you the answer is YES.  James 1:5 says, “If anyone lacks wisdom let him ask God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” 

So, what are you waiting for?

As you ask God for wisdom many times His answers are found in the Bible.  Thus reading the wisdom books is a wise thing to do.  I recommend one chapter a day from the book of Proverbs, reading the chapter that matches the date of the month.

Continue Strong asking God for WISDOM, 
And Remember to Date the Word  

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