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Be Wise And Speak Helpful, Not Hurtful Word

Proverbs 12:18 “There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, But the tongue of the wise promotes health.”

Proverbs has much to SAY about the use of our WORDS. Verses with the words word or the tongue, lips, and speech, number over 150 verses.  From these Proverbs, we find the incredible power of a single WORD.  The strongest statement of the power of words is in Proverbs 18:21 where we read “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” 

Our verse to consider tells how words can hurt as it compares words to that of the piercing of a sword.  Words can cut into a person’s heart and soul.  Cruel words will leave deep scars just as if one had been sliced by a sword or cut by a knife. We want to believe that old statement that “sticks and stones may break our bones but words will never hurt us” to be true, the truth is WORDS CAN and DO HURT.

On the other hand, out of the very same mouth, one can bring forth a different type of words in which another person is helped and encouraged and built up. Choosing to speak just the right word at the right moment in the right way to a person can be PRICELESS as the words are helpful and bring health (life) to the person.

If we are honest with ourselves I suspect all of us have had at one time or another the four different experiences of Proverbs 12:17.  We most likely have used words that harmed another person as we spoke cruel and critical words.  Our words caused pain.  Telling the truth we most likely have been on the receiving in of cruel and critical words that cut us to the core.  We have been hurt by words and we have hurt others with our words.   In telling the truth I do suspect that, humbly, you can recall times you spoke some words that helped another person.   And I truly hope you can recall someone speaking into your life words that did encourage you and build you up.  I know I have had many and I am so grateful.  

Are you being careful with your words? As you reflect on the use of your words and the use of words from others I trust you can see the WISDOM in choosing words that are helpful and build others up as opposed to using words that harm and tear down.   

Oh, be careful little tongue what you say because your WORDS can surely harm and hurt.

Continue Strong speaking helpful, not harmful words,
And Remember to Date the Word

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