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Casting the Vision

Nehemiah 2:17 “Then I said to them, “You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies in waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.” 

As one reads the Book of Nehemiah we encounter a man daring to dream a dream that will make life better for others!  Miles away in a palace in Shushan. Nehemiah, the cupbearer to the king. heard the horrible conditions of a place (Jerusalem) and a people (the Jews). He heard that the walls of Jerusalem remained broken down and that gates that were burnt down had never been replaced. This left the people living there in great distress.  As he hears what is broken, his heart is broken, and he is moved to take action to make a difference.  He will ultimately receive permission from his boss (the king) to go to Jerusalem.  Upon arriving, he will see first-hand the horrible conditions, which was even more heart-wrenching.  He knows this cannot continue.  Changes must happen and it must happen now, regardless of obstacles and opposition.  He is determined to end the great distress of people.  He dares to dream!

The story of Nehemiah is very inspiring, is it not? We have a man who hears and sees a people and a place in great distress and he dreams of doing something that will make a difference so people will have better lives!  As he dreams of making this difference, he realizes that one is too small of a number to make a difference. (Thank you Dr. John Maxwell for the powerful thought).  He knows he must have help.  The dreamer must become a recruiter.  While he has the cause he must now cast the vision for others to join.  Nehemiah’s dream has to move from “my dream” to “our dream.”  As he has decided to own the dream, he must get others to own the dream!  He must now cast the vision!

Today’s verse is the casting of that vision.  It is the communication of the concerns that have created the cause and call for others to commit to the dreamer’s cause and make the dream, the cause, their cause. Re-read Nehemiah 2:17. It says, “Then I (Nehemiah) said to them, “You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.” 

I have no idea if Nehemiah had a speech class.  I don’t know if he read a book on how to be an effective communicator. What I do know is Nehemiah 2:17 sets the standard for how someone is supposed to cast a vision.  

For those who are leaders and those who want to learn to be a leader, you are going to have to clearly and concisely communicate the vision, the dream, and the cause that God has given you to people. Yes, to people.  People, your people, have to see what you see! I recommend that you study Nehemiah, especially Nehemiah 2:17.  In this one verse a leader gives a clear, concise explanation of the concerns with a clear, concise call for a commitment to bring in others to join in the cause to bring about the needed change.  Nehemiah reveals the cause (rebuild the walls) and gives reasons to commit to being involved (that we may no longer be a reproach) with a clear, concise call for others to commit to the cause (come and let us.)

How are you at casting vision?  Evaluate yourself by how Nehemiah did it.  

A leader’s responsibility is to create the future.  Communicating clearly the cause is crucial to involving others to commit, and answering the call to action!

Continue Strong, 
And remember to DATE The Word

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