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Don’t Forget To Obey God’s Word

Proverbs 3:1 “My son, do not forget my law, But let your heart keep my commands;”

DO NOT FORGET.  That phrase seems to be familiar.  I have forgotten how many times I have been told not to forget something.  As I recall the phrase DO NOT FORGET was said to me at a very young age by my parents, grandparents, and sisters.  It now continues to be said by my wife as well as administrative assistants and even my children have told me the words “DO NOT FORGET.”  It is a little embarrassing but it has been and continues to be a phrase I need to hear because I AM FORGETFUL.  How about you?  Are you forgetful?

As I come to God’s Word, I find He knows that I (we) need to be reminded to remember and told NOT TO FORGET.   Solomon writes to his son DO NOT FORGOT GOD’S LAW. He knows his son is forgetful. 

We are to REMEMBER God’s Word so we can have RECALL of God’s Word when we need it.  We are to HIDE it in our hearts.  We are to HAVE IT WITH US!

Not only are we to remember God’s Word we are to KEEP the commands. The word “KEEP” can be viewed in two ways. On one hand, we HOLD the commands like one would hold a piece of treasure. The idea is to hold tightly.  On the other hand, KEEP carries the idea of OBEYING.  We are to be doing what the commands say.

As we hear the appeal of Proverbs 3:1 and make practical application let us 1. purposefully acquire wisdom and store it (hide it) in our hearts and 2. let us then apply wisdom.  When we acquire the INFORMATION and take the action of APPLICATION we will have active TRANSFORMATION!

In short – Don’t forget to OBEY God’s commands 

Continue Strong acquiring and applying His Word,
And remember to DATE the Word   

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