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Don’t Forget To Obey God’s Word

Proverbs 3:1 “My son, do not forget my law, But let your heart keep my commands;”

I have lost count of the times my parents, grandparents, and now my wife, as well as administrative assistants, and even my children, have told me the words “Don’t forget.”  It is embarrassing but it has been and continues to be a phrase I need to hear because I am forgetful.   As I come to God’s Word I find He knows that we need to be reminded to remember and to be told not to forget.   Solomon writes here in Proverbs 3:1 not to forget God’s law.  We are to remember God’s Word so we can have recall of God’s Word when we need it.  We are to hide it in our hearts.  We are to have it with us!

Not only are we to remember God’s Word we are to keep the commands. The word “keep” can be viewed in two ways. On one hand, we hold the commands like one would hold a piece of treasure. The idea is to hold tightly, On the other hand, keep carries the idea of obeying.  We are to be doing what the commands say.

As we apply Proverbs 3:1 let us acquire wisdom and store it in our hearts and let us then apply wisdom.  When we acquire the information and take the action of application we will have active transformation!

A March to Remember

With our Date the Word daily devotion for March we are including a verse for each day that will help us remember our Savior as we make our way to Easter on March 31.  

For March 1, please ponder Psalm 22:1. Psalm 22:1 says, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? Why are You so far from helping Me, and from the words of My groaning?”

From Psalm 22:1, let us remember that on the cross, Jesus was forsaken by the Father so that we could know acceptance by the Father.  
Psalm 22:1 also reminds us of His groaning. Let us remember the agony endured as He died for our sin – as He took our sin – As He became sin for us.   
May our hearts proclaim what a Savior on March 1 as we Remember our Savior from Psalm 22:1

On March 1 we would encourage you to read Matthew 1.  You might go to the new DATE the Word App and join the Bible Reading plan where you can read or listen to Matthew 1 and in doing so you will be reminded that Jesus was born to die.  

Continue Strong this March remembering our Savior,
And remember to DATE the Word

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