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Don’t Worry About Anything!  Pray About Everything!

Philippians 4:6  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”

Life is challenging.  We can easily become consumed with anxiety over daily concerns. A Biblical example comes from a lady named Martha.  She was so overwhelmed with preparing a meal for Jesus and friends that she got all out of sorts with her sister, Mary, and even with her honored dinner guest, Jesus.  Jesus told her she was “worried/anxious and troubled about many things.”   Is it possible your life is being consumed by daily concerns like Martha’s?   

The Apostle Paul knew the reality of being anxious and addressed the subject head-on in Philippians 4:6.  Here he gives a command to stop being anxious.  

Why such a command?  Because to be anxious is to have a divided mind as one does not know what to do.  

Instead of having this divided mind that paralyzes a person Paul says pray.

Instead of turning things over and over in your head turn things over to God. 

Instead of tossing and turning with all your cares and concerns cast your cares on the Lord.  

Stop worrying and start praying! 

As one probes the depths of this very practical and helpful verse two words present a challenge.  These two words must be examined and yes, applied as we pray.  Within this verse are the words with thanksgiving.   As we make our request the request is to come “with thanksgiving.”  As we give God thanks for the circumstance we want to be changed, we might find God wants to use the circumstance to change us.   Offering thanksgiving with our request may change our perspective and instead of asking God to get us out of the circumstance, we ask God to get us through the circumstance.  

Stop worrying and start praying with thanksgiving.

Ultimately Philippians 4:6 is one of the great verses in the Bible that reminds us that God does want us to bring everything we are facing to Him in prayer.   We don’t need to be living a life of fear and anxiety.  We don’t have to have a divided mind.  We don’t have to be consumed with cares, and concerns.   

Oh, by the way, just in case you were wondering what God does when we do bring these requests to Him we only have to look at verse 7.   Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  To our prayers God brings peace.  As Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.”

Do not forfeit the peace of God all because you do not take everything to God in prayer. 

Don’t worry about anything!  Pray about everything!

Continue Strong praying about everything,
And remember to DATE the Word

In the 4th month of the year, April, we are extending what we are calling a 4 x 4 challenge and encouraging you to read a chapter 4 each day of April.  For April 6 we challenge you to read Philippians 4.

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