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Faith Vanquishes Fear

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

As believers, we experience a changed life.  One of the greatest benefits of life with Christ in us is we don’t live in fear.  Fear is almost as natural as breathing. There is a healthy fear that we are to have as it is right to have the fear of the Lord.  The fear of the Lord is not being afraid of God but being in awe of God.  There is the normal and natural fear that warns us of something that could harm us.  However, there is a fear that paralyzes us and that is the fear God wants out of our hearts.  We are to live by faith and fear is an enemy of faith.  Fear tells a person everything that can go wrong will go wrong so don’t trust God to take steps of faith.  It is very possible that as you read this there is a battle going on in your heart to do something God is leading you to do and yet FEAR has a grip on your mind and you are not moving forward.  

If you are in a battle of taking a step of faith and fear is swirling around it would be easy for me to just say stop being afraid.  But I know personally that just being told not to fear, not to be afraid, is not enough.  This is where 2 Timothy 1:7 comes in.  We have a salvation in which our God is working in our lives.  He does not give us a spirit of fear but gives us something in place of the fear.  BUT!  In contrast to the fear, He gives us power. Another way to look at that word is He gives us strength. Phil 4:13 tells us we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. There is no need to fear as Christ strengthens us.  He also gives us love and that is needed for relationships as it is hard to love some people.  Paul tells us that a work of God is to teach us to love one another.  1 Thess. 4:9 says, “But concerning brotherly love you have no need that I should write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another.” We can love others by loving them like Jesus loved us.  And remember the time a person needs love the most is when they deserve it the least.  

And then He gives us a sound mind.  Here we have discernment.  The person of faith will move forward with discernment.  Listen, God gives wisdom for the assignments He has for us.  We may not always know what to do but God has said ASK HIM for WISDOM.  

So today WALK by FAITH, not fear!

Continue Strong by faith, 
And Remember to Date the Word  

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