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From Persecuting Christians to Proclaiming Christ

Acts 9:20 “Immediately Saul preached the Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God.”

Saul (who as you know would soon be known as Paul) has an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ on the Damascus Road that changed his life as he goes from being an unbeliever to a believer. 
With that decision:
He went from the feared persecutor of the faith to the fearless preacher of the faith!  He went from persecuting Christians to proclaiming Christ!   

What a reminder to us that no matter how far someone may be from Christ or even how much they may be against Christ they can come to know Christ and then start making Him known! The one who rejects Christ receives Christ! Persecutors can become preachers!  Resisters can repent and start preaching repentance.  The hardhearted can become soft!

Please let this change in the life of Saul remind you to keep praying and keep witnessing to that person who right now is the farthest from Christ (the closest to hell) and the most against Christ, His church, Christians, and Christianity.  They are one decision from everything changing, changing so much that family and friends will surely be saying they can’t believe the change!!  

Keep sharing the salvation story with sinners so that they might know the Savior! They are one decision from everything changing!

Continue Strong being a witness for the Lord! 
And remember to DATE The Word!

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