Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
One of the most important verses for a believer is Romans 8:28. It is probably referred to more than any other verse as we seek to make sense of life’s circumstances when they don’t make sense. The believer will find hope and encouragement in times of difficulties and pain, trials and tribulations, heartache and failure as Romans 8:28 reveals an eternal perspective of our circumstances and situations. Our God is watching closely every detail and then working to bring about His desired outcome. Romans 8:28 tells us that God is at work and while not everything that is happening is good, He works things out for His glory and our good.
An illustration we might use to explain Romans 8:28 is the making of a chocolate chip cookie. Think about the various ingredients that are used to make a chocolate chip cookie. Individually some ingredients are sweet but mainly the individual ingredients are bitter, and you absolutely would not want to eat any of those ingredients alone. But when they are put together with other ingredients you get something very enjoyable. And don’t forget that if the bitter ingredients were not in the mixer then it would not be a delicious chocolate chip cookie!! It is the mixture of the bitter with the sweet that makes the cookie so good.
So today, on 8/28, enjoy a chocolate chip cookie and consider how God is working all things happening in your life for His glory and your good.
Continue Strong trusting God,
And remember to Date the Word