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How Are You Growing?

1 Samuel 2:26 “And the child Samuel grew in stature, and in favor both with the LORD and men.”

We like to ask a person how are you doing.  How about asking how are you GROWING?  From the moment of birth, we expect a child to GROW physically. You take your newborn to the doctor and they do all types of measurements to determine if there is growth.  As the years pass we want to see a child grow up. In growing up we want more than physical growth but also intellectual growth.  And there is the emotional and social growth. 

But is this all the growth we should be looking for in our child?

When we come to the Bible, we find verses like 1 Samuel 2:26 along with Luke 2:52 (“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men”) that speak of growing.  We read of how the child Samuel GREW but more than marks on a doorpost to show he was getting taller, he was growing spiritually and relationally. As well, Jesus grew more than just physically and intellectually and relationally.  We read that He grew in favor with God

Don’t miss a crucial area they grew in.  They grew spiritually.  

A balanced growth plan needs to (MUST) have a spiritual growth plan.  However, it seems the other areas squeeze out the spiritual area.  As parents, we make sure our child does their homework and prepare for tests so that they do well academically.   As parents, we make sure our child is at practice and never misses a ball game.  As parents, we plan family and friend events.  As parents, (I now ask) are we making sure our child(ren) is being taught how to have a growing relationship with God?  Are we making sure they are having daily devotions?  Are we making sure they are at youth group?  Are we getting them signed up for Christian camps? 

A spiritual growth plan does not happen accidentally. It happens intentionally.

Okay – I will pause and ask again the pressing question. HOW ARE YOU GROWING and how are you growing your children and grandchildren?  Does your growth plan include growing in favor with God?  Does your growth plan for your children include spiritual growth?

While many parents have their children learning skills for a job and/or a sport we must remember they need to learn skills for living (WISDOM) so they can know not just how to make a living but how to live, how to live a life for God!

Continue Strong growing like Samuel and Jesus,
And remember to DATE the Word  

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