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Joseph Was Dependable

Matthew 1:24 “Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took Mary to be his wife.”

Not long ago, I saw a Facebook post asking the reader to tell of a lesson they learned from their father.  As I pondered the many lessons I learned from my father, I thought about what Jesus might say to the question.  I think He might have said that He felt both had great abilities.  For instance, His mother, Mary, brought to the table AVAILABILITY and His earthly father Joseph brought DEPENDABILITY!  

What abilities are you bringing to God?  You may feel very inadequate in a lot of areas but there are always two abilities you can bring to God.  You can be like Mary and bring AVAILABILITY and you can be like Joseph and bring DEPENDABILITY!  

Here is something to think about from our verse.  When God spoke to Joseph HE IMMEDIATELY OBEYED.  He acted quickly and quietly to obey what God told him to do.

Question: How quick, yes, how quick and quietly do you obey God? 

Availability is the first ability however DEPENDABILITY! is the greatest ability!

Continue Strong quickly and quietly obeying God,
And Remember to Date the Word  

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