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Living a Life that Makes the Gospel Attractive

Titus 2:10 “not stealing, but demonstrating complete faithfulness, so that they may adorn the teaching of God our Savior in everything”

In the Apostle Paul’s writings to churches and to individuals, you cannot help but see challenges and instructions to live differently as a believer.  There were things the believer was no longer to do.  Our verse tells us not to steal.  The believer is no longer stealing.  There are new things we are to do. Our verse says we are to demonstrate complete faithfulness.  The person who has trusted Christ as Savior is a changed person.  

The apostle now connects living differently to the sharing of the gospel. Don’t miss the two words “so that.”  One of the reasons we live differently is so that we can represent and present the teachings of Christ to others in an attractive way!

Our daily actions can make the gospel appealing and attractive or appalling and ugly. 

By the things we do and say, we can draw a person to wanting to know more about becoming a Christian, or the things we do and say can become a major turn-off for a person of ever wanting to be a Christian.  

In Titus 2:10 Paul says our actions can be thought of as our appearance.  The verse has the word “adorn”.  The Greek word that is translated as adorn gives us the English word cosmetic. Now, why does one use cosmetics?  One uses cosmetics to make one more attractive, if you will, more acceptable and, yes, more appealing.  Some put on make-up.  Some put on after-shave. Hopefully, all put on deodorant.   We use a variety of cosmetics to make our appearance more attractive and acceptable.

As we think about making ourselves physically attractive and acceptable we need to think about our actions making the gospel attractive. Living lives of integrity, lives of loving others, lives of service and generosity, and living a life of joy will make the gospel attractive. Living hypocritically where we are saying one thing but doing another is a huge turnoff. 

As you live among the lost are your daily actions making the gospel attractive and appealing?  

If you need a guide for making the gospel attractive check out 1 Timothy 4:12.  I Timothy 4:12 says, “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”  I draw from the actions of being an example to believers that these are significant actions as well toward unbelievers.  I encourage you to look at and live these actions before both the believer and the unbeliever.  

Let us diligently be adorning the gospel, making it attractive and appealing!  

“You are writing a Gospel, A chapter each day, By deeds that you do, By words that you say. Men read what you write, Whether faithless or true; Say, what is the Gospel According to you?”

Continue Strong as an “attractive” witness for Jesus
And remember to DATE The Word

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