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Making Disciples who Make Disciples is the Mission

2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”? 

Christ’s mission to each Christian is to go and make disciples.  Matthew 28:18-20 is the Great Commission. It says, “Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.” 

With the mission stated we find the method of doing the mission in 2 Timothy 2:2. 

Notice it again as I rewrote it to be more personal.  
“Timothy, the things that you have heard from me, Paul, among many witnesses, I, Paul, want you, Timothy, to commit these teachings to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 

From this verse, we have a discipler discipling a disciple. Paul is discipling Timothy. As he (Paul) is discipling Timothy he wants Timothy to start discipling some faithful men.  Paul, the discipler, then teaches Timothy the disciple that those he is discipling are to them start discipling others.  

In other words, Paul believes that part of discipling a person is that the person being discipled will start discipling a person.

2 Timothy 2:2 shows us four generations of disciples.  There is Paul, then Timothy, then faithful men, and then others. For me, it started with a man named Jack Finch who would disciple Bill Crawford. Bill Crawford would disciple me. Now whoever I disciple is the fourth generation of Jack Finch. Jack to Bill, Bill to Dwayne, and Dwayne to others.

Let’s say you are “Timothy.” Where are you in the discipleship process?
Who is your Paul that has (maybe is) discipled/discipling you?  Who is your Jack Finch?

Who is your Timothy that is (maybe was) discipled by you?   Who is your Bill Crawford? 

Who are the faithful men that your Timothy is (maybe has) discipled?  Who is your Dwayne?

Who are the others that the faithful men have (maybe is) discipling?  Who are your others?

Each of us should be being discipled. Who is your Paul?  
Each of us should be discipling someone. Who is your Timothy?  As a Timothy you become a Paul
As we disciple our “Timothy” they should start discipling someone.   Who are those faithful men?

2 Timothy 2:2 is regarded as the Multiplication verse for discipleship. Did you know by discipling one person a year who then starts making a disciple a year who then starts making a disciple a year you can impact 1 billion people in 30 years?  Here’s the math
1+ 1 = 2
2+ 2 = 4
4 + 4 = 8
8 + 8 = 16
16 + 16 = 32
32 + 32 = 64
64 + 64 = 128
128 + 128 = 256
256 + 256 = 512
512 + 512 = 1024 (10 Year mark)
1024 + 1024 = 2048
2048 + 2048 = 4096
4096 + 4096 = 8192
8192 + 8192 = 16,384 (yr 14 the discipler passes the evangelist)
16,384 + 16,384 = 32,768
32,768 + 32,768 = 65,536
65,536 + 65,536 = 131,072
131,072 + 131,072 = 262,144
262,144 + 262,144 = 524,288
524,288 + 524,288 = 1,048,576 (yr 20 u hit 1 million)
1,048,576 + 1,048,576 = 2,097,152
2,097,152 + 2,097,152 = 4,194,304
4,194,304 + 4,194,304 = 8,388,608
8,388,608 + 8,388,608 = 16,777,216
16,777,216 + 16,777,216 = 33,554,432 (yr 25)
33,554,432 + 33,554,432 = 67,108,864
67,108,864 + 67,108,864 = 134,217,728
134,217,728 + 134,217,728 = 268,435,456
268,435,456 + 268,435,456 = 536,870,912 (yr 29)
536,870,912 + 536,870,912 = 1,073,741,834 (yr 30)
That is One Billion seventy-three million seven hundred and forty-one thousand, eight hundred and thirty-four. 
Let’s put the method of 2 Timothy 2:2 into action and fulfill the Great Commission.

Are you making disciples that make disciples?

Continue strong being a disciple that makes disciples who then make disciples,
And remember to DATE the Word

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