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Run Away From The Bad And Run After The Godly

2 Timothy 2:22 “Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”

As the Apostle Paul disciples Timothy, he calls on him to be a clean, sanctified  vessel that is useful to God.  2 Timothy 2:21 says, “Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.”  To be clean and sanctified Paul now teaches Timothy three actions to take that involve the word “run.”  

To become a clean, sanctified, useful vessel there will be things that you must run away from.

To become a clean, sanctified, useful vessel there will be things that you must run after.   

To become a clean, sanctified, useful vessel there will be people you must run with.

As we battle temptations, some battles are best won by resisting, while retreating is the best way to win other battles. Yes, we win some battles by retreating.  We win by running away.  Our verse tells us to “flee” youth lust. The Greek word for “flee”
gives us the English word “fugitive.” We are to be a fugitive with youth lust.  As a fugitive, we are to run away from and hide from temptations! 

A principle I use here is don’t stay at places where temptations are prone to win.

Pay close attention; When it comes to one major temptation, that of sexual temptation, I teach that you don’t resist them but rather you run away from them.  The temptation is so strong that you will almost always lose if stay and try to resist. Run.  Run away from it. Run and hide!  Remember the story about Joseph and Potiphar’s wife.  He ran away from the temptation! 

While running away from temptations Paul teaches Timothy and us that we should be running after those things that strengthen our walk with the Lord. We are to pursue – be running after righteousness (doing what is right); faith (trusting God with every area of our lives), love (the action we take with both saved and lost. **Remember the time a person needs love the most is when they deserve it the least), peace (keeping calm with one another even during storms).

So we are running away from sinful things, and we are running after sanctified things.
We are running away from hurtful things and we are running after helpful things.
There are temptations we are running away from and there are godly actions we are running after! 

Paul gives one more teaching to Timothy and us, that is very crucial in being successful in becoming a clean, sanctified, useful vessel. His last statement of this verse tells us to consider who we choose to run with as who we run with will influence our lives. You will want to run with those who are saved and who are seeking to be a sanctified vessel. (They call on the Lord with a pure heart.)

In applying our verse of 2 Timothy 2:22 we suggest asking three questions every day:
What do you need to be running away from?
What do you need to be running after?
Who do you need to be running with?
The answers to these three questions will greatly determine if you will be a clean, sanctified, useful vessel to the Lord.

Personal note: 2 Timothy 2:22 is one of the most important verses I have ever learned.  I encourage you to memorize, meditate, and apply.  

Continue Strong run from the bad and run after the godly,
And remember to DATE The Word

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