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Say Thank You To Volunteers!

Nehemiah 11:2  “And the people blessed all the men who willingly offered themselves to dwell at Jerusalem.” 

One of Nehemiah’s challenges was to have volunteers to move and live in the city of Jerusalem.  After rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem so God’s people could live safely in the city, Nehemiah needed at least a group of people to live in the city.  Most lived in the surrounding areas where they worked their land.  City life would be different.  Yet for the city to be sustained it needed more inhabitants so an appeal was made. Our verse tells us that many stepped up in response to the appeal and moved into Jerusalem.  Furthermore, our verse tells us that as men stepped up the people blessed – shall we say they gave thanks – shall we say they cheered for them – as they moved to dwell in Jerusalem.  There was an outpouring of gratitude for those who volunteered!

As we are now in November, we hopefully are beginning to think of those we need to express genuine gratitude for their actions.  Today, I offer the suggestion, to give thanks to those who volunteer.  This could be a volunteer at your church.  it could be a volunteer at a school, maybe a coach.  It could be at an election polling place.  The bottom – Say THANK YOU to a volunteer!  

Continue Strong giving thanks to volunteers,
And remember to DATE THE WORD

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