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Sin Brings Death of Life

James 1:15 “Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”

Did you see the use of the word “birth” twice in the verse? When you say yes to a temptation you give birth to sin. However, you need to know your baby will have a baby!  Sin gives birth to death.   The word for “birth” used here a second time in James 1:15 is not the same as the first.  The first one speaks of natural birth.  The word used now for birth speaks of the birth of a monster.  The monster is death. 

So here is the lesson: When you say yes to a temptation you bring death to life in your life! Sin brings forth death. While the enticement reveals the pleasure of sin, the pleasure of sin lasts only for a season, and then sin is going to bring to life death in your life.  

May this knowledge, the true knowledge of the results of yielding to a temptation help us to be more adamant in saying NO to temptation. The joy of that newborn baby (sin) will quickly bring a monster into your life, bringing pain and heartache. 

As we Date the Word on January 15 (1/15), we have a few other verses to address the issue of temptation and sin that, along with James 1:15, should motivate us to resist temptations.  

First is 1 Timothy 1:15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.”
Christ did not just come to save sinners so they could keep living as they were living and then go to heaven. He came to save sinners so they can live holy lives here. 
Notice the call to live holy from 1 Peter 1:15 as it says, “But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct,”  To live holy lives Proverbs 1:15 reminds us to “not walk in the way of sinners, Keep your foot from their path”

Know that facts about yielding to temptations as the pleasure of sin will soon bring the pain of sin. 

Continue Strong living holy,
And remember to DATE the Word

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