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Speak To Be Remembered

Ecclesiastes 12:11 “The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd.”

The teacher (parent, pastor, professor, coach, etc,) teaches so that there will be application of the instructions.  This does not happen by accident.  In the context of Ecclesiastes 12:11, we find the preacher – the teacher – explaining their work. Starting at verse 9 he writes, “Moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yes, he pondered and sought out and set in order many proverbs. 10  The Preacher sought to find acceptable words, And what was written was upright—words of truth.” 

To unpack all that is in Ecclesiastes 12:9-10 could fill a book on becoming an effective communicator.  As I have sought to learn and to teach communication, I summed up the responsibility of the teacher/speaker by saying they are to SPEAK TO BE REMEMBERED.  Now quickly I say it is not the PERSON speaking to be remembered but the PRINCIPALS that are taught are remembered.  

Why would one want to speak to be remembered?  Because in verse 11 we learn what happens as truth is taught.  The words of the wise serve to MOTIVATE you to ACTION – TO DO SOMETHING.  A goad, if you are wondering and you probably are, is an instrument to, shall we say, encourage an oxen or a cow to move forward.  A good teacher is going to call for you to TAKE ACTION.  Think, for instance, of James as he says, “Be a DOER of God’s Word not just a hearer.  

A second benefit of speaking to be remembered is the teaching of truth is like a well-driven nail that holds a building together.  The words of the Scholar are to be APPLIED and the application of the truth holds your life together. 

When the teacher does the hard work of studying and finding acceptable words to speak the student not only learns but REMEMBERS.  As information and instructions are applied one is on their way to a well-lived life.

Teacher: are you speaking to be remembered?
Student: Are you listening and applying the lessons from your teachers?

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