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The Point of Pride

Mark 10:22 “But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.”

As I started my Christian journey over 40 years ago, I was taught the sad story of the rich young ruler. A professor said what kept him from experiencing salvation was his pride.  The professor said that as we witness to the lost, we needed to be aware of what he called the point of pride.  As the gospel is presented the lost person must decide to repent of what they believe and/or how they are behaving that is not in line with being a Christian.  

For some, it would be the unwillingness to repent of a false belief.  As the claims of Christ are presented, they find it hard to say what they have believed is wrong.  

For some, it would be the unwillingness to repent of a sinful behavior or behaviors. As the claims of Christ are presented, they find it hard to give up their sinful lifestyle.  

As I have witnessed over the years, I have unfortunately seen the point of pride come to the forefront of the conversation.  It appeared with the statement “Does this mean I can no longer….”  As I witnessed to someone with a different religion the man said he would like to add Jesus to his spiritual resume.  He said he could worship his false religious leader and Jesus.  He felt his chances of getting to heaven would be better.  I told him you do not add Jesus, you accept Jesus and Him alone as the only way for salvation.  He then walked away.   I saw the point of pride.

With another person, it was their involvement in immorality.  They asked me if they would accept Jesus would they have to stop having sex outside of marriage?  I told him that would be a change one would expect from a Christian.  He said that he was not giving up sex for salvation and walked away.  I saw the point of pride.

Mark 10:22 tells how a man was more in love with earthly riches than storing up treasure in heaven.  Jesus had pinpointed the point of pride in him, and this man was unwilling to let Jesus be his focus and desire.  He could not see giving up his possession to “take up the cross, and follow Jesus.” 

Earlier Jesus asked a very haunting question, asking in Mark 8:36 “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?”  What a question.  Yet many would rather enjoy earthly pleasures and profit and lose their soul.  What about you?

As you now ponder Mark 10:22 know that there will be in your witnessing the moment of decision and in some cases, the point of pride will come right to the front.  You will need to be honest that they don’t get to add Jesus and keep sinning. 

Continue Strong knowing nothing on the earth is worth missing Jesus and the salvation He offers.
And remember to DATE the Word!

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