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The Unconventional Warrior

Judges 3:31 “After him was Shamgar the son of Anath, who killed six hundred men of the Philistines with an ox goad; and he also delivered Israel.”

Shamgar may have been ordinary, and he may have had the devil whisper in his ear all the reasons why he could not do something for God, but he decided to take action.  Notice three actions he took as I believe they are three actions you should take to make a difference for God. 

#1. He started where he was. You should start where you are.  Bloom where you are planted.
#2. He used what he had.  Shamgar did not have the best weapons, but he did have an ox goad.  Use what you have. It is amazing how God does not need you to have the most expensive and most up-to-date and the shiniest to accomplish great things.  David had a slingshot.  Moses had a rod.  Elijah had a mantle.  
#3. He did what he could. He started fighting and killing the Philistines.   He got off the sidelines and into the game and did what he could.  Do what you can.  Step up and get started doing what you can! (I think I first heard this outline from Dr. Jay Strack)

Shamgar may only have a little written about him, but he sure did a lot!  His unconventional means however brought about a great deliverance for Israel!   

You, too, can make a difference!  Be like Shamgar!  Start where you are.  Use what you have and do what you can!

A March to Remember

For March 31, let us remember Mark 8:31.  Mark 8:31 says, “And He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.”

Midway in His ministry, Jesus tells His disciples His future – a future that caught them totally off guard – a future that was the opposite of what they were thinking as they were looking for a King.  Instead, Jesus tells them of being a Sacrifice – that He would suffer and die, but on the third day, He would rise again – And His words came true, and today we celebrate His resurrection – He is risen. Let us rejoice He is risen indeed

On March 31 (Resurrection Day 2024) we encourage you to re-read Matthew 28 and read Luke 24 to saturate your heart and mind with the Resurrection! 

You can find the Bible reading plan on the Date the Word app.

Continue Strong this March Remembering our Savior,
And remember to DATE the Word

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