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Verse to DATE the Word on August 14 (8/14) is Esther 8:14

“The couriers who rode on royal horses went out, hastened and pressed on by the 
king’s command. And the decree was issued in Shushan the citadel.” – Esther 8:14

The Book of Esther tells of how an evil plot was designed by a man named Haman to annihilate the Jews.  Esther, who has become queen earlier in the book, will reveal the plot to the king and then plead for a revoking of the evil plan.  Because the law had been signed and sealed by the King it could not be revoked but the JEWS could protect themselves if a new decree was issued.  In Esther 8:8-10 a new decree is written that will allow the Jews to defend themselves against any and all who would do them harm.  This new decree now must go to all 127 provinces, from India to Ethiopia.  It is a decree that demands urgency for it could mean death for many Jews if they don’t get the message!

Our verse to DATE tells of how the couriers immediately take the message to those provinces with this description that they rode on royal horses for they were swift horses (v. 10), and they hastened or raced as fast as they could, being pressed on by the king’s command.”  They understood the urgency of the message and the moment!  They were URGENT with the URGENT message.

You and I are Ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20) and have the eternal life saving message for the world called the gospel.  Do you understand the urgency of the message that we are to be sharing with the lost world?  Like the couriers, we are to be racing as fast as we can to get this message to the world.  Are we doing so as quickly as we can?  Are we using the very best of methods to get the gospel to the world on behalf of the King of Kings?  Do we feel compelled to carry out the great commission given by Jesus to be as quick, as urgent as possible to share the gospel?

In pressing the point that we are to be urgent in getting the life, yes, eternal life message to the lost I had a friend share about a time they were in New York City many years ago and they saw chiseled on the side of a building “NEITHER SNOW NOR RAIN NOR HEAT NOR GLOOM OF NIGHT STAYS THESE COURIERS FROM THE SWIFT COMPLETION OF THEIR APPOINTED ROUNDS.”  He tells of learning that this was the motto of the United States Postal Service.  He then shared this challenging thought: “What a magnificent thing if that could be said about God’s people delivering the message of the gospel personally!” 

Our verse to DATE the Word on August 14 (8/14) is Esther 8:14. It says “The couriers who rode on royal horses went out, hastened and pressed on by the king’s command. And the decree was issued in Shushan the citadel.”

An URGENT MESSAGE must be delivered with ALL URGENCY.   Let us be found being URGENT with the URGENT message of the gospel! It could mean heaven or hell for someone! 

Continue Strong,
And Remember to DATE the Word

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