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Verse to DATE the Word on August 19 (8/19) is Proverbs 8:19

“(WISDOM’S) fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold,
And my revenue than choice silver.” – Proverbs 8:19

Throughout the book of Proverbs, WISDOM will occasionally brag on itself and unashamedly makes the STRONGEST APPEALS for us to ACQUIRE wisdom.  As one works through Proverbs 8 wisdom will tell over and over of the ADVANTAGES and the benefits one will have as one ACQUIRES and applies wisdom.  To help one make the decision to GET WISDOM she gives common things to compare her with and in verse 19 she wants you to compare her to the REVENUE of gold and of silver.  Wisdom boasts that what she will bring to a person’s life is BETTER THAN having all the gold of Fort Knox and is BETTER THAN having an investment in a silver mine!  

Let us ask a very important question.  Why is wisdom so valuable to have?  For me, it begins with Proverbs 14:12 and Proverbs 16:25, which say, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.”  Man’s thinking about how to live life brings about DEATH.  On the other hand, WISDOM says that one who finds her finds LIFE.  See Proverbs 8:35 as “For whoever finds me (wisdom) finds LIFE,  and obtains favor from the LORD.”

From the start of Proverbs to the very end wisdom tells that it PROVIDES (gives) LIFE and how it PROTECTS (delivers) a person from DEATH!  Proverbs 13:14 conveys it this way: “The teaching of the WISE (one who has WISDOM) is a fountain of LIFE, that one may turn away from the snares of DEATH.”

I trust you hear the appeals of wisdom.  What I need and what you need, yes, what the world needs is WISDOM!  When you consider how valuable GOLD is, wisdom says it is BETTER THAN the very best of gold. Wisdom says its revenue is better than the very best of silver! Thus, as one is seeking the best return on an investment BUY WISDOM!!! Wisdom will bring multiple dividends to one’s life.  

Are you investing in wisdom? 

BTW:  A guiding principle I have for living life:
First thing in the morning I give worship to God and then I get wisdom from God and then I learn to walk like God and then and only then do I go to work for God.  
To do this we suggest reading one chapter a day from Psalms and one chapter a day from Proverbs and one chapter a day from the New Testament.   

Our verse to DATE the Word on August 19 (8/19) is Proverbs 8:19.  It says, “(WISDOM’S) fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold, And my revenue than choice silver.”

Ponder: sin always has a price tag and one pays more than they could have ever imagined. Wisdom is so valuable that as one acquires and applies it to their life it is priceless.
So, which will it be today – sin or wisdom?

Continue Strong by investing in WISDOM,
And remember to DATE the Word

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