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Verse to DATE the Word on December 24 (12/24) is John 12:24

Our verse to DATE the Word on December 24 (12/24) is John 12:24
John 12:24 says, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.”
Death to self brings life and produces fruit for the Savior

As a master teacher Jesus gives illustrations to bring truth to life and in John 12:24 He gives an agricultural illustration for what it is going to take to be fruitful. Since being fruitful is a major objective of the Christian life (From John 15 we have been appointed to bear much fruit and the Father is glorified as we bear fruit; The apostle Paul prayed that the Colossians would be fruitful in every good work) we need to LEARN how to be fruitful.   

From John 12:24 we learn one of the most incredible concepts about being fruitful.  Pay close attention. For there to be fruit there has to be death.  


My background is in farming.  I grew up on a farm in Virginia and at a very young age was very involved with my father and grandfather in growing a variety of crops.  Because of helping plant corn, PLANTING A SEED of corn in the ground I easily understood what Jesus taught in John 12:24.  Each year there were bags of SEED corn.  These SEEDS had one purpose and that purpose was to PRODUCE more grain or kernels.  Did you know that one seed of corn will, on average, produce two ears of corn with each ear having about 800 kernels?  1 seed produces 1600 kernels. 

For us to get 1600 kernels the SEED corn had to DIE.  (The next time you eat corn on the cob look at all those kernels and remember John 12:24 and that one seed – ONE SEED – produced that and another ear of corn.  

What are we learning about being fruitful for the Savior?  Just as a seed of corn is planted and it dies you then find the dead seed sprouts and begins to live and produce, it produces much or more grain. One dead grain, a dead seed, now produces many grains!! 

In Luke 9:23 we are called to DIE DAILY!  We are called to die to self!   In doing so we can become producers and bring forth fruit, much fruit, fruit that will remain. 

We are called to die to self like that seed of corn and when we do we begin to truly live and be fruitful!  

Verse to DATE the Word on December 24 (12/24) is John 12:24. It says, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.”

Continue Strong by dying to self
And remember to DATE THE WORD

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