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Verse to DATE the Word on December 27 (12/27) is Proverbs 12:27

“The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting,
BUT diligence is man’s precious possession.” – Proverbs 12:27

The contrast between the LAZY man and the DILIGENT or RESPONSIBLE man in the book of Proverbs brings some of the strongest CONDEMNATIONS (of the lazy) and COMMENDATIONS (of the diligent/responsible) one will read.  There is no question that throughout Proverbs the reader is admonished to avoid BEING LAZY. Never once is anything good said about the lazy.  One of the worst characterizations a person can have is being known as LAZY.  On the other hand, one of the best characteristics a person can have is to be known as diligent or responsible.

Here in Proverbs 12:27, we get the pathetic action or better stated, the pathetic inaction of the lazy man who does not follow through and does not finish. Although he has surprisingly gone hunting and has surprisingly killed something he lets it ROT rather than ROASTING it.  WHAT A WASTE!  

On the other hand, there is the DILIGENT or the RESPONSIBLE. In contrast to the lazy, who are irresponsible, we have a person who finishes what is started. This person is DEPENDABLE, RELIABLE, and TRUSTWORTHY.   Whether it is at home or work, at church, or maybe with a team, this person is someone OTHERS CAN COUNT ON!  

The character trait of diligence is to be admired.  Wisdom says to be known as one who is diligent and responsible is a precious possession to have.  

As you THINK on the teaching of Proverbs 12:27 I trust there is a stirring to have a reputation of being RESPONSIBLE.  Any recommendation that is made on your behalf should find the recommender gladly writing or saying you are RESPONSIBLE.  The last thing you want is for them to say you are irresponsible and that you are LAZY.

With the verse for the date, you may have discovered a weakness in your character. You don’t have to stay the way you are.  What changes need to be made to improve?  Don’t procrastinate! Don’t be lazy!  MAKE THEM and become more RESPONSIBLE WITH RESPONSIBILITIES!

Verse to DATE the Word on December 27 (12/27) is Proverbs 12:27. Proverbs 12:27 says, “The lazy man DOES NOT roast what he took in hunting, BUT diligence is man’s precious possession.”

Continue Strong being RESPONSIBLE with responsibilities! 
And remember to DATE THE WORD

PS – Parents, (fathers especially) reading this – demand diligence, especially with your sons! Raise them to be RESPONSIBLE. Be responsible when they are irresponsible and correct this character flaw.  Don’t tolerate lying and don’t tolerate laziness! 

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