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Verse to DATE the Word on February 8 (2/8) is Ephesians 2:8

Our verse to DATE the Word on February 8 (2/8) is Ephesians 2:8
Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
Our Great Salvation Explained

Before us is one of the most important verses that explains salvation.  We learn what salvation is and how salvation happens and how it does not happen! 

When we consider our precious salvation, we need to recognize first and foremost it is a GIFT from GOD! A gift is something that is not earned. It is something that is not deserved. In Romans 6:23 Paul wrote that “the wages of sin is death, but (BUT) the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Salvation is a GIFT.  The gift of salvation comes to us because of what Jesus purchased!   We are redeemed by “the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” (1 Peter 1:19)

In Ephesians 2:8 we not only learn that salvation is a gift we learn how we receive salvation. Paul tells us how our salvation HAPPENS and please don’t miss this, HOW IT DOES NOT HAPPEN.   

In describing how it happens, I heard Pastor Adrian Rogers describe salvation from Ephesians 2:8 this way: God reaches His gracious hand down to us and we reach our hand up by faith and salvation happens!!!  What a beautiful picture of the great salvation we have.  God is so gracious to us and He reaches down to provide us the gift of eternal life.  Our response is to reach up to accept it by faith!  He reaches down (grace) and we reach up (faith).

Then to make sure we understand how salvation happens Paul tells us how it does not happen saying “it is not of ourselves.”   It is something we could never achieve.  We cannot DO enough to ever purchase our salvation.  Works do not WORK for achieving salvation.  When we hear religions talk about salvation, we hear what one needs to DO.  However, when we listen to Christ regarding salvation, we hear the word DONE.       

Have you trusted, believed, accepted, looked to, called on Jesus for salvation? Have you received His gracious gift of salvation by faith?  If you have you will read this verse and proclaim WHAT A SAVIOR!!! WHAT A SALVATION!!!  If you have not, know that His gracious hand is reaching down to you today you can take His hand BY FAITH and be saved.  

BTW – You might know someone who is thinking they can get to heaven by being good and/or by doing good works.  As you talk with them consider sharing Ephesians 2:8 with them.  You might add Ephesians 2:9 as well for it says, “not of works, lest anyone should boast.”  WORKS do not WORK!

Our verse to DATE the Word on February 8 (2/8) is Ephesians 2:8. It says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,”

Continue Strong praise God for His gracious gift of salvation,
And remember to DATE THE WORD

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