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Verse to DATE the Word on January (1/17) is Mark 1:17

Our verse to DATE the Word on January 17 (1/7) is Mark 1:17
Mark 1:17 says, “Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
Becoming MADE More by Following Jesus

As I was growing up, I attended a church where most Sundays all the children would go to the front and sing one or two “children’s songs.” One of my favorites was “I Will Make You Fishers of Men.” Maybe some of you recall the little tune 
I will make you fishers of men, Fishers of men, fishers of men. 
I will make you fishers of men, If you follow Me. 
If you follow Me, If you follow Me, 
I will make you fishers of men, if you follow Me.

Later in a Sunday School class, I would hear the Bible story that the song was based on, hearing how Jesus would make a simple request of some men with a very specific reason in mind. I would hear how these men would leave what they were doing to go with Jesus and become His disciples.  With just a few words of FOLLOW ME and I will make you become fishers of men Jesus invited a variety of men to join Him and to have a new cause for their lives.    

How do you react to those two words of FOLLOW ME?  What questions arise as you process the invitation?  Surely the questions of WHERE?  HOW LONG? WHAT FOR? WHEN?  WHY? WHAT IS IN IT FOR ME? goes through one’s mind.  To FOLLOW implies surrender.  In surrendering you are yielding your rights to another.  

As I reflect on singing, I Will Make You Fishers of Men I recall we also sang at the invitation of our church services HAVE THINE OWN WAY and WHERE YOU LEAD ME, I WILL FOLLOW.  

Have Thine own way Lord
Have Thine own way
Thou art the potter I am the clay
Mold me and make me after Thy will
While I am waiting yielded and still

Mold me and make me always stood out because Jesus said, “Follow me and I WILL MAKE YOU fishers of men.”  Part of saying yes to following Jesus is knowing He is about MAKING something of you for His glory.  Jesus’ invitation to those fishermen was to allow HIM to MAKE them BECOME something greater than what they presently were doing.  Jesus’ invitation to you is to ALLOW Him to MAKE you BECOME something far greater with your life.  

Are you a FOLLOWER of the Master? 
Are you allowing the Master to MAKE you into what He wants? 

Verse to DATE the Word on January 17 (1/17) is Mark 1:17.  It says, “Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” 

Where He leads me, I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way.

Continue Strong in surrender to following Jesus
And remember to DATE THE WORD

PS. As you read this I am at the Sea of Galilee in Israel.

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