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Verse to DATE the Word on June 2 (6/2) is Ephesians 6:2

“Honor your father and mother,” which is the first
commandment with promise.” – Ephesians 6:2
Respect for others starts with RESPECT for Parents

The Apostle Paul is giving God’s instructions for the family in the Book of Ephesians.  He has given instructions to the husband and the wife in chapter 5 and now he is giving instructions to children. Children are to OBEY their parents. (Eph. 6:1) With that said the apostle Paul places the FIFTH commandment of the Ten Commandments before his readers reminding them to ““Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise.”   

For just a moment let us consider the fifth commandment.  The fifth commandment begins the section of the commandments that speak to our relationships with others and the first relationship we have is with our parents.

With the 5th commandment, we see a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP of children with their father and their mother.  We then read of a SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT in which children are to HONOR their father and their mother.  To HONOR is to first and foremost show RESPECT.  It is holding the parents in the highest esteem.  It is placing on them great VALUE, leading the child to LISTEN to the parent’s instructions and insights on living life!  It brings about a desire not to disappoint. 

A disobedient child brings disappointment.

The verse then reminds us that the commandment comes with a SURE REWARD as God blesses the child that obeys and honors their parent. It is worth noting that Proverbs tells of what may happen to the child that disobeys and dishonors their parent.  From Proverbs 30:17 we read (warning – it is not pretty), “The eye that mocks his father, and scorns obedience to his mother, the ravens of the valley will pick it out, and the young eagles will eat it.”  Needless to say, God is serious about children honoring their parents! 

One final thought – if children are NOT being taught to be respectful at home, and respectful to parents how can we expect children to be respectful in public, with teachers and others in authority?  While the verse is addressed to children, it is incumbent that PARENTS TEACH CHILDREN TO OBEY, TO RESPECT, and TO HONOR their PARENTS.  

QUESTION: If you are a parent receiving this devotional let me ask WHEN is the last time you taught Eph. 6:1 and 2 to your children? 

Verse to DATE the Word on June 2 (6/2) is Ephesians 6:2. It says, ““Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise.”

God honors and blesses the home that honors and obeys Him!

Continue Strong implementing His instructions for the family,
And remember to DATE the Word

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